Position Statement

IEEE is uniquely positioned as a global leader in science, technology, and innovation. We should continue to be the premier reference in our field and further grow as a driver of innovation, timely identifying emerging needs and opportunities in our IEEE Region 8 and the entire IEEE.

With the extraordinary expertise and dedication that our IEEE community offers, together we can face this challenge and enhance our profession by:

  • identifying flexible and sustainable membership models, with fees proportional to the average income in our field in each Country, personalized membership benefits, and more focus on the young generations, thus making membership really valuable to each individual everywhere;
  • continuing to be the trusted source for high-quality knowledge, by nurturing technical activities and conferences, focusing more on emerging technologies, providing practical knowledge for professionals, expanding continuing education, facilitating knowledge search with recommendation systems, and creating innovative services and delivery methods for the professionals of the future;
  • supporting underserved groups and geographical areas, by facilitating the access to knowledge and education, promoting soft skills and mentoring services, supporting entrepreneurship, expanding services for industry professionals and industry, valuing all diversities, making micro-volunteering pervasive, and cooperating with Societies/Technical Councils, neighboring Sections, and national associations.

I am fully committed to serve the IEEE members and our community, with strategic vision and guidance, encouraging participation, galvanizing enthusiasm, favoring expression of all opinions, and catalyzing the rich and diverse competences and aspirations of members and volunteers. I envision a holistic view for our Region and the entire IEEE, while nurturing the local communities. A Region 8 and an IEEE in which everybody finds value and feels proud to be. An IEEE by people for people.